But I will say this... Our bikes are getting REALLY shiny!
(Ok, not as shiny as my buddy, Graham's, but he's got the proper tools and know-how.)
That's right, one thing we can do is wipe dust off them bikes! As we wait for the day our motorcycle-wise friends can help us figure out what we really need to do to get our bikes up and running, we continue to spit-shine our CX500s!
I don't have many "before" pictures, but here are some "after" ones:
Here's what my '81 CX500 is lookin' like now...
And from another angle. Look at that tank SHINE!
Here's Bethany's '80...
Bethany getting crud off the wheel...
Me on my bike... It's a LOT bigger than my current ride, WAY heavier!
Speakin' of my current ride, here's my Yamaha Virago 250, sittin' in the corner... all sad, knowing it's about to be replaced.
Don't worry, Virago. I won't let you go... I have other plans for you! Muahahahaaaa!! =P